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सितंबर 23, 2020 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

We have the right to demand the sindhi state from the central government . Without taking away the freedom of expression of the sangh sindhi society _ vinod meghwani

 The Sangh did not take away the freedom of expression of Sindhi society. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Do not take any offense. But we are neither afraid to write the truth nor to speak it. We want to bring Sindhi society forward in politics. When I was not born, the elder elders of Sindhi society have graced the posts of MP, MLA, Mayor, in some state of India, from Congress to Union to BJP. Honorable Iron Man Lal Kush Advani, who earned the highest name, prepared the Sindhi society to enter politics and if the name of Sindhi society is in politics today, there is no doubt because of LK Advani. But Advani ji is very emotional and simple in nature, so he could not understand the tricks of the political players of the new time and only the name is left and the ministers are ruling today. In the Parliament session, Shankar Lalwani ji demanded the formation of Sindhi State, then the Sangh reprimanded him that the people of all religions of Indore have chosen him to remain within their limits. ...